Filed under crafts

Easy ideas for a homemade Valentine’s Day

Easy ideas for a homemade Valentine’s Day

If you need a last minute idea for a homemade expression of love on Valentine’s Day, here are a couple of ideas I’ve used in years past. 1.  heart crayons 2.  hanging heart strings 3.  knitted hearts 4.  homemade card:  I love you more than…

Pumpkin party invites with instagram & postagram

Every year our family hosts a pumpkin carving party, and this is the 11th year of our totally fun tradition.  The boys and I started getting ready for it by putting out some of our Halloween decorations this past weekend.  I don’t know who decided that chartreuse-y green is a halloween color, but I’m glad … Continue reading

Lavender sachets

I made these today using fabric scraps and dried lavender from our garden. I’m making them to put in with my yarn stash so the moths won’t eat my wool! I have a couple of really pretty skeins that are fringed in the middle because of those pesky moths! Now, though, I have these pretty … Continue reading