
Welcome to Twyste!  If you like sometimes snarky and always transparent dialogue on yarn, technology, and life in general, this is the site for you.  In addition, you get the bonus section of excerpts from my someday ebook, “The Motherhood Manual: I have all the answers.”

Take a look around.  Leave some comments and tell the world what you think.  And, if you like what you see, by all means sign up to follow the site and I will hand deliver each post to your email box (well, kind of).  You can also share the love with friends, family, and the unsuspecting world at large by clicking on the Twitter, Facebook, Google+, email, etc. links at the bottom of each post or in the sidebar.  So, get to it; go click happy.

Posts are published according to the following schedule (unless they aren’t): Ya, that’s pretty much all out the window now.  Posts just show up when they show up with total disregard for the previous schedule.

Mondays– The Motherhood Manual

Tuesdays– nothing (sometimes tutorials, but I wouldn’t count on it on a regular basis)

Wednesdays– yarn along updates and other yarnie type tidbits

Thursdays– app of the week reviews (and other techie things)

Fridays– nothing (get a life)

Saturdays– stuff about life in general, including updates on 365 to Simplicity and 365 Photo Project

Sundays– go to church (or watch it online YouTube?)

*All of this is subject to change if I don’t get it done.  You’ll know.


2 thoughts on “Home

  1. For some reason I can’t get this page to show up on an iPad. I have no idea why or how to fix it, other than telling you to tap the bottom of your screen where it says “View standard site.” The page shows then fine, so who knows? Anyone?

  2. Pingback: Gimme a break! « Twyste

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