Yarn Along

I’ve never done a yarn along before, but I found this one on the Small Things site and thought it was a fun idea.  I especially thought so because of the timing.  You see, this year for Christmas I asked my husband to forego buying me gifts and instead allow me to “shop” my stash and pair up yarns and books I already own, for him to give me.  It was actually hard on him (he kept asking me, “are you sure?”), but he went with it and I put my “gifts” into plastic bags, which I gave to him a few weeks ahead of time so he could wrap.

My very favorite gifts to receive are yarn and knitting books, so this may seem strange; but I really don’t need any more yarn or knitting books.  Probably ever.   …but that would be sad, so let’s not go crazy with this!  Anyway, I have very generous people in my life (and on occasion, poor impulse control in yarn stores), so I own a LOT of yarn and knitting books.  Sometimes I am overwhelmed by all the possibilities so much that it’s hard to know what to start on next. This gift scenario allowed me to feel better about not adding more “stuff” to my life and made me excited about my next project.  Already since Christmas I’ve finished a cowl pattern with a LOVELY Malabrigo yarn.  Yay!

Now, I’m eager to pair this BEAUTIFUL lighter weight Malabrigo yarn with one of the patterns out of the Simple Knitting book I received from a friend (and then again as part of my planned re-gift on Christmas from my husband).

I wonder if Malabrigo would like me to review yarns for them?!?  I sure do love working with and wearing their yarns!

Once I’m done with whichever project I end up choosing from Simple Knitting, I’m excited to use this book (which I bought for myself about a month ago in one of those poor impulse control moments I mentioned earlier) to work my way through some of my Cascade 220 stash.  I have the first book too, so I should be whipping out a lot of new goodies in the near future.
[Update]:  I picked out a pattern from the Simple Knitting book, and I decided to use the Ravelry Red Malabrigo.  I’ve always been partial to red and this one is beautiful… way better than my amateur photography implies.  The pattern I decided on is simply called “Mittens.”